Sunday, March 29, 2009

Happy happy..Birthday..

28th of March was Johnny's 18th birthday..
Here to wish you.. Johnny Happy Birthday again...

Afternoon time went to Pizza have our lunch..
Then I asked to follow Vicent's car to buy present
for Johnny & also an other birthday boy,
Justin who birthday on 29th of march.

Yesterday was the day of Earth Hour also..
I did switch off my light at 8.30 but I switch it on again
by 8.40..Because my eyes were pain of playing computer..
Hungry at that time and keep SMS Vincent ask him to be early..
Finally it's 9pm..time to go out..The 1st time go to town at night in Miri..
XD We went to the cafe n we have our steak for dinner..

This my dinner for last night..
  • Lamb chop
  • Blueberry Vodka

This is Johnny's meal..
  • Chicken Chop
  • Lemon Teh Ping

The birthday boy Johnny.. ^^

Of cos..
Every birthday must has a cake..

Happy Birthday..
Make a wish..

After our meal..
There are few drunkard make friend with us..
Forgot thier name..
And they spend us 3tins of beer..
Thank you anyway..

We back home by 12.45am..
1st time go town at night then back that late..

Thank you Johnny for spending me Lunch & Dinner..
Your birthday still need you spend..
Ng hou yi shi la..

The End.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Nyak you bin!!

I got tagged by BINNO to write using my left hand, which I found amusing and yet a piece of cake.

Rules to tag : all must be written by left hand (just in case you are left handed, use your right then) and take a picture of yourself while doing this tag. (I didn't do that :D)

1. Write your name, surname
2. Your favourite sentence / statement
3. Your favourite word
4. Favourite numbers and alphabets
5. Draw a picture of yourself
6. Draw something you like.
7. "I love you, _____"
8. A word stated with S
9. A song title
10. 10 people you tagQuestion number 10..

Going to switch off my light..
Do something to our earth..
Swith off your light..!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Johnny says this when I ask him to 加底加料 when he order his meal..
Get what his mean?
Mean the fee of 加底加料 count on me..

The End..


Monday, March 23, 2009

Dude o.0

Hey dudes..
What is Time Management mean to you ah?
Give some suggestion to me le..
Thank you..

= 3

Saturday, March 21, 2009

School Funny Video~!!

Recorded these from o-week.. XD
Enjoy it..

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Someone's request™

Since someone (2 of them) request me to show them the place I living..
Below is the map of my house..
Milk - Housemate's room..
Blue - Toilet
Purple - My Room™
Pink - Fridge
Red - Table
Black - Chair / Sofa
Grey - Kitchen
Orange - Television

The place I live named Curtin Village..

Outside of my house..

Visit me..

Outside the door..
Place to put shoes..
My housemate's bicycle..

After you open the door..
You can see these..

From here can see my room, kitchen and table..

Capture this photo in front of my room..
My room..

This is my room..
Vision from my desk..

Vison on my bed..

The End

P/s : nah.. show u dy.. updated!!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Here you go Qing Yi..

Part I

Long long time ago ah..
Got a leng zai from Sandakan named NamNam..

After Form5..
He goes to Curtin University of Technology study..
He is going to study Foundation in Commerce..

After he depart Miri..
He live at a small village called Curtin Village..

His room is fucking small..

It's not enough to live there with his Gundam Strike..

Last week was the Orientation Week of his university..

He look quite happy because of his university is nice..

Then he join Group1 which is Black Panther..
His leader who named Henry has a pair of small eyes like him..

He has 40+ group member at the first day of Orientation..

They have to perform on Friday's evening..
So they practice at the lake side..

The performance held at the Lecture Theater..

His group won the Best Supporting Group..
Which mean the best choir..
The prize is a limited necklace..

At the end..
Only left 15 survivor in group..
So who in the photo is still survive..

The End..

Part II

Photo of City tour and Orientation Night..

Nam Nam follow the tour to Miri Beach named Tanjuh..

After that they head to public park..
There are many hanging bridge..

Under the bridge..
There are playground and small road usually citizen jog..

After the tour..
They head to the club..
Play some games then have thier wonderful Orientation Night there..

Ready to study this Tuesday..
Since tomorrow is public holiday..
So Nam Nam has one more day to prepare..

To be continue..

To know more about my Miri life..
Can visit Shiau Hong's blog..
Shiau Hong's blog.. Click ME!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Farewell.. = (

25 of Feb..
It's Wednesday..
Afternoon time we head to Sepilok and look for Orang Utan and monkeys..

Night time..
I had invite few friends back to my house and have a BBQ party..
Hope everyone who attend this party enjoy it..
And thank for coming..

There are few photo of that night..
Miss it a lot..
I did something that make me regret..

To someone..
You know what I regret la..

Guess who is this?


Lam..Why your glasses?

With my friends..

There almost 150days to see you guys..
Miss you guys a lot here..

The End

Next post..
My Miri Life..
Will update it soon..
Now my phone cable locked inside the drawer and the key of drawer broken..
Will unlock it soon while I get a new key from Housing department..

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Yo friends..
Sorry for din't update my blog for days..
I am now currently at Miri..
The day before I leave Sandakan..
I bought a broad band..
But I don't have enough time to try it because I was went out with friends for the last day stay at Sandakan..
So now I cannot online at the place I live..
Was happy before I leave my hometown..
We went to Sepilok.. Sing K.. BBQ.. Etc..
For more details..
Click >>> Bin's Blog!!

Will update again next time because I dont have enough time update photo..
I online at frn's house and I forgot bring my cable..
Cannot transfer photo from my phone..
When I get my new board band..
Then I'll try my best update this blog again as fast as possible..
Thank you..

Miss you ah...
= 3
= D